Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Real Reward

I could go all-out cliche' on this.  Can't See the Forest for the Trees.  It Takes all the Pieces to Make the Puzzle.  And so on.

But what I really mean.  What I really want to say.  Is that my students are absolutely, totally, and completely AMAZING.

This week we collected 10 samples of portrait, nature, and architecture work for a portfolio competition.  I thought the reward would be doing well in the competition.  I was so wrong.  '

The reward is seeing a stunning, cohesive collection of moments that illustrate the creativity, talent and hard work my students have exhibited throughout the year.

 Each piece has been stunning and exciting in it's own right . . . but seeing them together - the beauty of an entire collection - is the true reward.  Enjoy!
Antoinnette Barnes

Makenna Clark

Jordyn Oilar

Anthony Fuentes

Niomi Perez

Faelany Melendez

Lily David

Samantha Lee

Allyn Clements

Hunter Duplessis

Tyler Mamere

Terra Cross

Jasmyne Rupar

Matthew Craig

Terra Cross

Hunter Duplessis

Maddie Steigleman

Sarah Haftorson

Alec Oilar

Samantha Ekberg

Samantha Lee

Joe Watson

Joe Watson

Antoinnette Barnes

Ra Hetep

Terra Cross

Hunter Duplessis 
Hunter Duplessis

Hunter Duplessis